This post is not going to have wide appeal. I get that. I’m posting it because I was unable to find the solution online myself, and I hope it will help someone else spend far less time than I did getting to the solution. Here’s the problem: The Udoo X86 that I am using in…
Month: July 2019
Update to my SBC Cluster
Back in 2015, I created my first SBC cluster. It was based on the Raspberry PI 2 Model B with added 1TB spinning disks and a custom designed stacking case. Hadoop YARN, HDFS, and Spark all successfully ran on it. However, the limits of 1GB RAM and the 100mbps Ethernet NICs meant that Spark was…
Garage Renovation – Completion
Finally, the garage was ready for the epoxy coatings of the floor and foundation. Epoxy coating a garage floor is one of the best things you can do to a garage in my opinion. It’s something I did when we moved into our Seattle house, and I couldn’t wait to have this floor coated too….
Garage Renovation – Part 3
With the foundation finished, it was time to cover up the walls. This was not a task for drywall or plywood. I wanted a material that would tolerate the potential for moisture and insects. I also wanted it to look good. With that criteria, it’s difficult to find a better option than tongue and groove…
Garage Renovation – Part 2
Following the mold remediation and ventilation addition described in my Garage Renovation – Part 1 post, the concrete foundation needed to be repaired. As I am not a mason and have limited experience with concrete work, the Internet had to be my expert. After hours of online research, the best course of action appeared to…
Garage Renovation – Part 1
Before any real renovation work could begin, the mold and ventilation had to be addressed. As mentioned in my Garage Renovation – Overview post, once the garage door was closed, there was no way for air to circulate. There were no vents in the garage door or ceiling. That created a perfect world for black…